Cybersecurity - trend, standard, challenge


What is cybersecurity?

It is the resilience of information systems to actions that compromise or have the potential to compromise, integrity, or availability and authenticity of the processed data and the associated services. It is a certain set of techniques, processes, and practices used by a growing number of enterprises to protect themselves from the activity of cybercriminals.

The subject of cyber security appears to be particularly important today and we should treat it as such. During the implementation of IT systems, requirements from this sphere should be treated as equally important as functional requirements.

Cybersecurity in Poland and around the world

As shown in the report “Cybersecurity market in Poland 2020: Market analysis and development forecasts for 2020-2025” prepared by PMR, total spending on cybersecurity software, hardware and services is expected to reach PLN 2.5 billion in Poland by 2025.

Despite the figures growing each year, the field of digital security still has many holes and requires continuous development and improvement. According to representatives of IT departments, outdated security mechanisms of corporate data and information flow and the architecture of these security systems itself are a significant development barrier.

And how has the COVID-19 pandemic affected the development of cybersecurity? Counterintuitively, the difficulties and budget cuts in almost every area have not only not resulted in a decrease in cyber security spending but have actually translated into an increase. The popularity of remote working has resulted in an upsurge of cyber threats, which in turn have forced organizations to update their cybersecurity strategies and strengthen their network security.


The role of cybersecurity in an organization

IT security is extremely important for the continuity of a company’s operations and its future growth. That is why it should play a strategic role not only in private companies, but also in public institutions. Organizations need to find the most efficient and reliable solutions for their needs and business goals and become aware of the risks that may be associated with the wider use of IT technology.

However, companies often neglect this area, constantly pushing it aside. This is because it involves significant responsibility, which nobody wants to assume. In practice, the costs of not implementing security procedures (including system repairs, business interruption or weakening of the company’s position) can be much higher than the costs of their proper implementation. The ideal solution, then, is to shift the burden of responsibility for cybersecurity to external partners. By outsourcing this area to certified and experienced experts, who have a solid understanding of how security innovations work, companies ensure business peace of mind, and security naturally becomes a catalyst for growth.

Contemporary cybersecurity challenges

In order to guarantee effective implementation of IT system security procedures, it is necessary for them to be well integrated into the organization’s overall security policy. It is equally crucial to understand the requirements for such systems and the threats characteristic to the organization. It is important to ask ourselves what we should protect and why.

The biggest challenges for IT systems security are the constantly increasing sophistication of threats and shortages of specialists.

And what mistakes are made in this area most often?
  • Lack of understanding or disregard for the role of IT security in the organization.
  • Lack of adequate and comprehensive information security solutions.
  • Lack of reliable day-to-day management of security issues.
  • Lack of development of already implemented systems.
  • Lack of a separate testing environment.
  • Avoidance of audits caused by aversion to external control.
  • Lack of constant monitoring by a dedicated IT security specialist.


A recent survey conducted by PMR shows that as many as 66% of large companies in Poland have not yet implemented or only have an informal threat information sharing program. Cyber security is definitely an area where there is still a lot to be done. It has a real impact on business operations and not only may but should be included in IT budgets.


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