Artificial intelligence as the key to optimizing the blood supply and blood therapy system 

Over 80% of hospitals in Poland use blood therapy, and about 1.5 million units of blood and blood components are transfused each year. Therefore, considering the health and lives of patients, it is now crucial to provide a properly functioning blood donation and therapy system. 

At Euvic, we love innovation and, by following it, we often create our proprietary products. One of them, aimed at the healthcare sector, is AIDA Diagnostics. It is an application that supports decisions about transfusions by optimizing the use of blood and its components in healthcare. 

Digitalization as a priority for healthcare

The AIDA application allows hospitals to verify their current demand for blood (considering both blood groups and quantities) and to optimize its use. All this is done while ensuring the complete safety of both donors and recipients. 

This web platform, created using Node.js and React.js, is integrated with HIS systems. The AI algorithms it uses allow for in-depth analysis of test results, from which then future demand for necessary products is predicted. 

The use of AIDA Diagnostics by healthcare providers guarantees a number of benefits, including:
  • supporting decision-making in blood component therapy, 
  • easier collaboration with blood banks, 
  • reducing costs of logistics, 
  • savings on blood products, 
  • reduced risk of transfusion-related side effects in patients, 
  • the ability to respond to emergency situations immediately. 


According to the Swedish research company Berg Insight, as many as 16.5 million citizens will be using telemedicine systems in 2022. That is three times more than in 2016. The digital transformation of the healthcare sector is gaining momentum, and it’s paying off. Using the AIDA Blood Management System alone will help hospitals reduce blood therapy costs by 20%. And yet, technology can offer many more solutions. You just need to be brave enough to reach for them and reap the benefits. 


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